Hormone replacement therapy Somerville, NJ - Restore Vitality Clinic

Restoring Hormonal Balance for Health and Wellness

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions. When certain hormones become deficient, people may experience unpleasant symptoms that negatively impact quality of life. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help restore optimal hormonal balance.

Restore Vitality Clinic specializes in HRT using cutting-edge therapies personalized to each patient's needs. We help men and women in Somerville and surrounding communities regain health, strength, and joy.

What Hormones Need Replacement?

The main hormones that become deficient, especially with aging, are:

When these hormones decline, supplementation under a specialist's care may provide profound benefits.

Our Services

Restore your health, strength, and joy - call now.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Detecting problematic hormone changes early is key for timely treatment. Symptoms of deficiency include:

Testosterone Deficiency

Estrogen Deficiency

DHEA Deficiency

Additional symptoms are possible - consult a specialist if suspicious

The Benefits of Hormone Replacement

Restoring hormones to optimal levels can profoundly improve well-being.

Physical Benefits

Emotional Benefits

Health Benefits

HRT can also relieve uncomfortable menopausal symptoms to improve daily life.

Basics of Hormone Replacement Protocols

HRT treatment plans are tailored to each patient's lab results, medical history, and lifestyle considerations. However, some basics apply:

We emphasize regular testing and monitoring at Restore Vitality Clinic to keep patients in the ideal range.

HRT Formulations We Offer

Therapy Duration Frequency Delivery Methods
Testosterone Short or long acting Weekly, monthly, or every 3 months Injections, gels, pellets
Estrogen Daily Oral tablets, transdermal patches
DHEA Daily Oral capsules or troches
Melatonin Short acting Nightly Oral tablets or sublingual
Thyroid (T3, T4) Daily Oral tablets

We carry both bioidentical and synthetic hormone options

Restore your health with hormone therapy. Get started!

Why Timely Treatment of Hormone Deficiency Matters

Restoring hormone balance promptly can prevent the progression of deficiency and related health consequences.

Left untreated, low hormone levels allow detrimental effects to compound:

In addition, relationships and careers can suffer without the resolution of lost libido, motivation, and cognitive issues from long-term deficiencies.

That's why the experts at Restore Vitality Clinic emphasize early lab testing at the first suspicion of imbalance. We also provide continual monitoring and therapy adjustments so patients avoid plummeting hormone levels in the future.

Restore Vitality Clinic HRT Innovations

We offer cutting-edge therapies and advanced hormone testing for fully personalized plans:

Our top priority is tailoring care to your unique needs, goals, and preferences. This includes working closely with your existing healthcare providers.

We also educate patients extensively so they understand how to get the most from therapy. Visit our YouTube channel for helpful videos!

Common Myths vs Facts on HRT

Myth Fact
HRT increases heart disease or stroke risk for all Certain synthetic hormone therapies are associated with increased risk in some individuals. Work closely with your doctor to control risk factors and choose safer options.
HRT causes cancer There is no conclusive evidence showing HRT conclusively causes cancer. Discuss your family history with your provider.
Taking testosterone will make women masculine Women lack the testosterone receptors necessary to induce overly masculine side effects. Careful dosing minimizes substantial impacts.
HRT should only be used short term Recent evidence supports HRT as a helpful strategy for maintaining long-term health. Monitor therapy to minimize risks.
HRT must be started before age X There are no strict cutoffs dictating when you can start HRT, and no age limits for who may benefit.

Stay informed! Evidence constantly evolves on HRT. Maintaining an open dialogue with specialist providers helps patients separate fact from fiction.

How to Diagnose Hormone Deficiencies

Detecting imbalances early is crucial. What testing helps accurately uncover hormone status?

The first step is recognizing suspicious symptoms warranting evaluation. Track any unusual changes like low libido, hot flashes, fatigue, and discuss promptly with your doctor. Diagnostic testing options include:

Blood serum tests - assess total and free hormone levels in blood

Saliva tests - detect bioavailable hormones not bound to proteins

Dried urine tests - convenient sample collection to detect key hormones

DHEA Challenge - measures DHEA indirectly assessing production capacity

Test results get compared against optimal reference ranges for your gender and age. Borderline or out-of-range results indicate supplementation may help resolve deficiency-related symptoms.

Tips for Choosing a Hormone Specialist

Selecting the right provider ensures wise therapy guidance. What credentials should good HRT specialists have?

Restore Vitality Clinic uniquely meets all these standards! Our team stays dedicated to restoring hormone balance for total health.

Exploring HRT Administration Options

Various methods deliver hormones to stabilize levels long-term:


Transdermal Gels

Sublingual Troches

Patches & Pellets

Discuss preferences and lifestyle at your visit to determine suitable methods.

Lifestyle Changes Supporting HRT Success

While HRT provides enormous benefits restoring hormones, certain lifestyle shifts aid positive outcomes:

At Restore Vitality Clinic, we provide in-depth handouts outlining evidence-based steps to make the most of therapy.

Hormone Optimization for Men's Health

Adequate testosterone levels provide extensive quality of life and health benefits for men:

Testosterone therapy remains controversial, but evidence increasingly supports benefits outweighing potential side effects for most men with low levels. Discuss options with your hormone specialist.

The Bigger Picture: HRT and Longevity

From cell studies to population data, evidence links maintaining optimal hormones with enhanced longevity and compressed morbidity.

People with the highest testosterone levels live significantly longer, with research showing:

Likewise, research reveals estrogen's profound impacts countering disease:

Balanced hormones keep people younger longer! That's why Restore Vitality Clinic provides such extensive testing, therapies, and monitoring - your healthspan matters.

Inspiring Stories of HRT Success

Hearing how HRT transformed others' lives provides encouragement and hope for people considering therapy.

Celebrity health advocate Suzanne Somers openly shares her journey restoring hormones, maintaining health in her 70s. She reveals the combination of bioidentical estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone alleviated her depression while allowing vibrant energy.

Renowned fitness guru Rich Roll explains how testosterone therapy and optimized hormones facilitated getting ultra-fit in midlife, having energy to run epic endurance events and mental drive to build a podcast empire. He believes HRT contributes greatly to his high-performance lifestyle.

Everyday people also experience profound effects:

"I'd almost given up on feeling like myself again before trying HRT... Getting my hormones balanced gave me back the joy and zest for life I thought was gone after menopause. It felt like getting myself back - I'm so grateful." - Julia R., age 62

"My mood, self-confidence, and bedroom performance have all benefited tremendously thanks to testosterone therapy. I feel 20 years younger! I tell all my friends with low energy to get their T levels checked." - Frank P., age 52

Restoring lost hormones provides new beginnings at any age. Contact Restore Vitality Clinic to see how we can help your hormones and health reach new heights!


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a powerful tool for restoring hormonal balance and improving overall health and well-being. At Restore Vitality Clinic, we specialize in providing cutting-edge HRT solutions tailored to each patient's unique needs. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal hormone levels through comprehensive testing, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring.

Whether you're struggling with symptoms of hormonal imbalance or seeking to enhance your overall vitality, we are here to guide you through the process. With a focus on education and support, we empower our patients to make informed decisions about their health and embrace a lifestyle that supports their hormonal well-being.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life by scheduling a consultation with our team at Restore Vitality Clinic. Together, we can embark on a journey to restore your hormonal balance and unlock your full potential for vibrant health and longevity.

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